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Instagram Stories

Ahhhhh Instagram Stories – aka the ethereal content (think videos, photos, polls, shoppable links, limited time promos and more - muuuuch more) that users can publish separate from their Instagram feed and disappears after 24 hours.

There are about 40 million users viewing Instagram Stories daily. And why wouldn’t you? You get to get up close and personal with friends, brands and businesses.

Yes stories are brill for algorithms, showing your friends your highlight reel and business but some brands and businesses are taking it too far. And by too far I mean uploading far too many videos in a 24 hour period.

Do we really want to sit through a plethora of (sometimes) pointless videos or images in one sitting? And who has the time?

Do you tap through Stories like a maniac just to clear the feed - to show you were an active viewer? Or do you ruthlessly skip them, and leave your feed with unseen stories? Gahhh. Yup, the viewing IG Stories struggle is real.

But it doesn’t have to be, if we put a limit on uploading Stories within the 24 hour period.

A limit you say?

Yeah – a limit. And I’m calling three - five.

Errr, why?

Welllll it's enough to say something, but not long enough to inconvenience anyone. Think about it - by posting around three - five Stories at a time, you’re asking your followers to sit through between 15-60 seconds worth of footage - or just tap three - five times to move on if they don't really care.

And for all those serial Stories uploaders out there - before you start picking up your pitchforks <read: phones> to throw at me - posting more is obvs totally fine too <I get there are times when you have super important things to upload> but sometimes people are just after bite-sized stories from you or your biz.

Anyhoo – this is just one social media manager’s opinion in a sea of about a billion of them. You’ll probably hear conflicting advice and that’s okay too.

Neon Moose is an Adelaide based creative with over 15+ years experience in social media, marketing, copywriting and PR.

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