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moose musings: will the real moose please stand up

Looks like Neon Moose isn't the only Moose to turn one this year.

Moose - my fur baby aka the face of Neon Moose turned one on Tuesday.

<she also answers to MuMu, Meerkat, Moo, MooPoo or Mooey>.

Yes, Moose was aptly named after Neon Moose and sometimes serves as my furry muse.

She also <sometimes> serves as a royal pain in the a$$.

The way she licks you nervously, her incessant pacing up and down the hallway, the squirm fight she puts up when being held <NB: she hates it>, her whiney 'n' whingey ways when she wants to come inside, her hungry howl, her love for going to the toilet... INSIDE.

All her crazy antics aside, we love her. From her big boggly eyes to her messy eating habits. And that lil smoosh face. Little ball of cuteness!

Pancake face #1:

Pancake face #2:


So Mooey, this blog post is dedicated to the craziest pancaked-face puppy in the world - YOU. But we wouldn't trade your colourful personality for anything. You bring us hours of endless fun and we love you muchos. Keep being cray - but puh-lease get the grasp of toilet training soon. After all, you're a big girl now.

Moose out


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