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Don't put all your marketing eggs in the social media basket

Quick q - how good are all the marketing options we have to market one’s business?

We have so many channels and avenues to market our business like:

⚡️social media


⚡️paid ads

⚡️email newsletters


⚡️direct marketing

⚡️offline v online marketing


⚡️influencer marketing


⚡️cross promo

⚡️word of mouth

Lots eh! Hands up who’s using a healthy mix of the above?

Because I’ll tell you one thing - if you’re ONLY doing one of the above [like jussst social media] for business and wondering why you’re not getting sales/hits to website/email sign ups etc, then best to go back to the ol’ marketing drawing board and factor in other marketing activities in your plan.

Uh-huh. A good marketing plan incorporates a few of the aforementioned marketing avenues - and more [ + your marketing campaigns have a sweet mix o’ paid, earned + owned channels]👌

And yes, while I teach + preach social media, and it’s a great springboard for sales/sign ups /hits to web, i also know not to put allllll o’ my marketing eggs in one basket [labelled social media!].

Want to get marketing ready? We’ll map out your marketing for 2022 + polish up your marketing with a more purposeful and strategic focus - enter MOOSE CAMP ✌️


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